![]() Paul S. Giller and Bjorn Malmqvist
Easy-to-read book on streams, valuable for undergraduates and the
general public. Stream habitats, the organisms that live in those
habitats, and ecological issues such as species diversity and human
![]() Colbert E. Cushing and J. David Allan
A highly recommended book. The authors have provided academic and lay
people alike with a complete resource on stream ecology. Filled with
color photographs, charts, and other illustrations.
![]() Robert G. Wetzel
A popular introductory college textbook on lakes, reservoirs and
streams. An excellent text for those with some science background who
want to know more about their watersheds.
![]() Michael J. Caduto
This readable book begins with a study of water and freshwater
ecosystems, then goes on to examine ponds, streams, and wetlands. An
excellent primary text for elementary school teachers and high school
students, and an enjoyable read for anyone.
![]() J. D. Allan
A superb advanced text for college students and specialists in stream ecology. Covers all areas of stream ecology.
![]() Patrick McCully
Discusses the social, economic, and ecologic impacts of large dams.
Detailed and informed analysis of the problems with large dams.
![]() Brian Moss
An in-depth and thorough description of freshwater ecology, including the chemistry, physics, and biology of streams and an examination of the effects of man-made interventions like reservoirs. Perfect for the college student or professional.
![]() J. Reese Voshell Jr.
The biology, life history, behavior, and ecology of freshwater
invertebrates. An informative guide that is of equal interest to the
general public, students, and professionals. Color illustrations.
![]() J. V. Ward
This is the premier text for understanding the ecology of
stream-dwelling insects: their life-cycles, habitats, their responses
to environmental variables, and their interactions.
![]() Alice Outwater
A beginner's guide to water, this book comes with high recommendations
from readers. Outwater, an environmental engineer, has plenty to say
about water treatment and the history of freshwater ecology in the U.S..
![]() E. C. Pielou
Pielou has excellent comprehension of hydrology and water balance, and
has created a book that will convey much of this understanding to the
layperson. She even includes field observations that can be made by the
amateur hydrologist or stream monitor using homemade equipment.
Pielou's book makes clear the intimate relationships between ground
water and surface water. Those seeking an understanding of why the
world is running out of potable water will find answers here.
![]() Luna Leopold
A professional hydrologist deals with hydrology. Stream morphology,
measurement, sediment load, and drainage network are among the subjects
examined. Mathematical operations provide a feast for the
arithmetically-inclined, but there is plenty here for other
environmental professionals and the layman as well.
![]() Luna Leopold
Extends hydrological explanations to the level of the layperson. The
water cycle, hydrology, management of water as a resource, and water
policy are wrapped into one highly readable text. Dams and irrigation
are discussed. Valuable investment for the teacher, high school or
college student, policymaker, and environmentally-minded citizen.
![]() Robert Glennon
This readable book covering the history, hydrology, and law of groundwater
explains exactly how its unlimited pumping in America to support
irrigation and development will critically affect all of us. Includes numerous case histories as well as excellent suggestions for concrete actions that can be taken to conserve groundwater for future generations.
![]() Marq de Villiers
Highly readable report on the looming global water crisis. Canadian
journalist De Villiers travels around the world to examine the present
state of the planet's water supplies.
![]() F. Richard Hauer and Gary A. Lamberti
An excellent field book, useful to both beginners and experts. Includes
sampling protocols, formulae, datasheets, illustrations, and keys to
plants and invertebrates. Useful for the stream monitor, the
professional, and the teacher.
![]() James George Needham and Paul R. Needham
This classic includes keys and line drawings to help laymen identify plants and animals in streams and ponds.
![]() Steve Yates
A stream ecology primer that is easy to read, with many illustrations.
Provides directions on how community and school groups can help protect
and restore local streams. Written for northwest watersheds, it is
useful for any watershed.
![]() James R. Karr and Ellen W. Chu
This book is of critical value to any stream assessment or restoration
effort. Primary author Karr is the originator of the IBI index, which
measures and describes the biological integrity of a stream (therefore
its health). Superb--and readable.
![]() Dave Rosgen
Rosgen's coding for description of river morphology, or the shape and
form of riverbeds, has become a standard in government agencies. It
makes stream surveys easier and quicker to do, while providing more
information than ever before.
![]() Richard W. Merritt and Kenneth W. Cummins
The most definitive book in existence on this subject, this huge,
spirally-bound paperback is packed with dichotomous keys allowing the
user to identify nearly every aquatic insect to be found in the U.S..
Included is ample ecological information on the various genuses and
![]() Ann L. Riley
Do you have a stream in your city that you would like to restore?
Riley's book will put you solidly on the road toward your goal.
![]() Thomas Murdoch and Martha Cheo (eds.)
Gives detailed instruction on watershed inventory and stream monitoring methods. A book everyone can use, from the Adopt-a-Stream Foundation.
![]() Jim Fowler et al.
An incredibly useful statistical book for the biologist; sifts through
the massive field of statistics to glean the techniques that are useful
to biologists. Explanatory, brief, and easy to follow.
![]() Jerrold H. Zar
Widely acclaimed as the end-all of statistical manuals for the
biologist, Zar's book is a veritable encyclopedia of statistical
methods. Plentiful examples are utilized, and the latest edition of the
book has been updated to allow use by those familiar with computer
statistical packages like SPSS.
![]() Malcolm Haddon
Excellent book on population modelling and statistical methods with an emphasis of study of fish populations. Can be understood by all biologists. This accessible book provides the reader with a complete understanding of methods and includes examples of Excel spreadsheets to help the student along.
![]() John Cronin and Robert Francis Kennedy
Written by the two men who founded Riverkeepers, now a nation-wide
American river protection group. In telling the story of the
restoration of the Hudson River in New York, the authors inform the
reader about environmentalism in the U.S.--and the political pressures
and games that can defeat it. An inspirational tale of persistence and
![]() Marc Reisner
A classic. The late Reisner describes the history of water development
in the American Southwest. His famous book is a fascinating examination
of the causes of the twin disasters of destroyed rivers and western
water shortages. The roles of politicians, the Army Corps of Engineers,
and the Bureau of Reclamation in these disasters are elucidated.
![]() Jim Lichatowich
Pulling no punches, Lichatowich explains just exactly how the Pacific
West Coast in the U.S. went from rivers teeming with huge salmon to a
ecological desert with only a few endangered populations remaining.
Crucial to any understanding of the interaction of humans and salmon.
![]() Judith Roche and Meg McHutchison
The native peoples of the North Pacific Rim developed a rich mythology
around salmon, which provided them for so long with food and formed an
integral part of their culture. Poems, stories, narratives, folktales,
oral histories and essays by indigenous writers from two continents.
![]() Philip L. Fradkin
A concise history of the development and utilization of the Colorado
River. How it came to be that one of America's greatest rivers ends in
a salty puddle that no longer empties into the sea.
![]() Blaine Harden
Well-written and enthralling history of the taming of the Columbia
River. Through many stories, the author describes the economic and
environmental effects of damming the mighty Columbia.
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